This plugin extends the Gnome editor gedit, adding a new menu entry giving the possibility to compile BlitzMax source codes.
Unpack the files to ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins (no subfolder!).
Start gedit, open Edit -> Settings -> Plugins and activate "BlitzMax Compile Handler". Use "Configure Plugin" to set up the correct path to th...
ChaosAbout is a little program that brings the "About This Mac"-dialogue to Windows. Although it shows the real PC components of system which it's running one, it still looks exactly like it's model from Apple's operation system.
ChaosShut is, just like ChaosAbout, a little program which copies the Mac OS X function for Windows. This tool represents the shutdown-dialogue of Apple's operation system-
This little tool is just a little timer, which asks at the start for the minutes the countdown shall last. Then it's counting in the background right till it tell's you opitcal and audible, when the time is over.
This little tool is an alternative for the run-dialogue of Microsoft Windows. It's main advantage is to create own "shortcuts" für programm calls. Furthermore it supports auto-completion of it's commands (which is unfortunately not anymore available in Windows Vista)